This series of 999 explores the playful relationship between color, shape, line and harmony. Each artwork is a combination of 9 zones (3 rows of 3). Displayed within each of the 9 zones is 1 of 59 possible smaller pieces, which put together makes one large artwork. The zones are programmed in such a way that you will not see any duplicated pieces within any of the zones, thus making each artwork unique and one of a kind.
There will be utility offered for all 9 ZONE holders. More info to come.
Creativity and artistic expression have always been a huge part of my life. Ever since I could hold a pencil I was drawing and creating. I grew up doodling in my school books and always looked forward to art class. I graduated with a BA in Design from York University & Sheridan College and I make a living as a Digital Product Designer today. I’ve created digital products for brands like HGTV, Food Network, Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, Teletoon, and many more.
Although designing on the computer screen is very rewarding, there’s something special about creating real and tangible artwork.
I typically work on large canvases using acrylic paint and mixed media. I focus on themes of unity, movement, growth, and fluidity. I’m inspired by nature, music, dance and street art. Take a look at my portfolio, where you can see my recent and past works.
Painting brings joy and inspiration into my life, and I love to pass on that feeling to others.