WARNING: One or more users have reported this project for the following reasons:
The project's team failed to deliver on roadmap items despite earnest efforts from the team and there is currently no work being done. (failed project)
Ghost Buddy is a collection of 5554 unique NFTs. We are a community run project working towards building out the GBN brand IRL and in the Metaverse.
Ghost Buddy FAQ
1. What was the inspiration for the art? The art with the colourful gradients, the nice contrast and the smooth purple lines, combined with the overall attractiveness of the Buddies, making it suitable for young and old.
2. What led you to creating your project and building in the web3 space? The cuteness, IP ownership and by that, wide case of utility, (both web3 and irl).
3.What is your biggest achievement to date (utility, partnership, milestone, etc.)? I'd like to say our discord bot. Because discord is still the beating heart of the community and the bot gives the possibility to extend this world in whatever direction we need or want.
4. What are you plans for the future (alpha, roadmap)? Create a unique VRM resembling the GB nft and distributing these to the holders, while developing our metaverse spaces and artists within the community. The metaverse is the new discord and twitter and insta etc all in one package. Being this early it is expected that it will create traction for the metaverse and the GB project itself.
5. What is the biggest challenge you overcame / need to overcome as a team/community? Our biggest Challenge now is to build as a community with limited funds. Keeping up engagement and intrest to attract potential new members is an ongoing task, but luckily we have pretty talented members.
6. As a builder in the space, what is your outlook on the future of the NFT space? We see an overall merging and flowing into each other of the currently still kind-off separate spaces. The NFTs, metaverses, gaming worlds and VR worlds connecting with the blockchains and digital assets based on these decentralised services, giving use-case and irl utility, even solving irl problems.
7. Do you think following others’ footsteps and improving is useful/sustainable or something new is needed, if so, what do you think it is? I think we should not aim to invent the wheel twice. Any data available we can learn from. Either how to do it, or what not to do. So yeah, you should look at the success stories for sure.
The quality of all 5,554 NFTs has been ensured & it was one of challanging task to make it up to standard with 100% quality with unique traits and rarities.
Community is our heart. No matter what the cost is, we will always strive to provide the best value to our community & This will never end.
We value community above all else, so our loyal holders deserve regular rewards. Our hardworking crew continuously strives to provide as much as we can.
Based on the NFTs art, everyone will have a unique mobile and desktop wallpaper. It'll match your buddy's vibe ;)
We believe Web3 is an open world and We must hold each other's hands to make web3 a better place. As we are ready to help other artist, communities & contribute Web3 program So that will come with a benefit for all of us.
Comics Book
Who doesn’t love to read comics book? Since we already have a great story about a magical world to earth, a full story will be published with our comics.
Metaverse will be our home in the near future, and we are prepared to have everything there, including land, parks, and events.
We will execute all decisions independently and transparently, as voted on by Ghost Buddy Holders, to support up-coming NFT projects or Web3 projects, & as well as any major decision.
To Be Continued
We all know web3 is beginning of a new era and our future is beyond imagination, but all we can promise is, we will never stop building.