Our story line consists of Quirkies who inhabit Quirksville, they are fun, quirky and love action sports, expression and being relatable. Quirklings are the heroes who came to protect Quirksville against.... INX
INX are the evil enemy looking to take down Quirksville, take out Quirklings and essentially take over the world.
Our objective from a character, lore and story building standpoint was always to introduce the conflict part of the story when the time was right. Not just to introduce, sell or mint new NFTs but to develop the ecosystem properly with an adversary component while finding a fun, productive and rewarding way to introduce them.
INX will be a MAXIMUM supply of 2500 assets which will be the smallest supply set in the ecosystem. We are so excited to introduce our scarcest, edgiest art to the web3 space and believe this collection is going to be very special to our holders and a new world of holders who love the art.
Quirkies have always been cute and fun, Quirklings added some posture, INX add some really edgy, cool and fun vibes.
(Quirkies 5000 and Quirklings will be going from 10,000 to potentially 5000 as 5000 of them are burnable)
So we are introducing INX and it could potentially take our ecosystem from 15,000 NFTs to 12,500 NFTs while doing so. DEFLATION.
When will the INX mint process start ? Likely towards end of March or in April
When INX goes live there will be two main ways to acquire one.
A. secondary (marketplace // ie:@MagicEden
B. mint process
Since secondary market is self-explanatory...
Let's talk about some MINTING SPECIFICS...
When the time comes there will be a process to get an INX there will be 2 components in this process...
Loaded pyramids or an INX Mint Pass (to be combined with) Burn Lings and/orGOO That's right... we are now INTRODUCING THE FIRSTUTILITY FOR GOO…. Let us explain each component starting with GOO. GOOwas originally introduced as an XP counter for questing your alpha or omega sets. Hundreds of people have been accumulating GOO now for many many months and we wanted to incorporate GOO into the INX process as a SURPRISE reward to those loyal questers.
For INX you will be able to use your GOO in lieu of ONE or BOTH 5000+ lings (if you wish) (more info on 5000+ lings below in thread)
We have been so excited to share this with you because a utility for GOO was never promised but it was always the plan to under promise and over deliver with it.
This is the first way we are doing that.…. but NO this is not the end of the road for GOO... we will continue to find cool ways to reward people for stacking it (you can quest your assets and start earning GOO immediately at http://questing.quirkies.io)
(to make sure we set proper expectations... newer questers will likely not have enough $GOO to trade off for burn lings but it doesn't mean you shouldn't start building your stack anyway)
The amount of $GOO you will use to replace each burn ling is still being calculated and will be announced soon/prior to mint dates so you have time to prepare.
We want to be fair to everyone, even the people questing 1 set. So we are doing an analysis on the specifics and can't wait to reward our loyal holders with this AMAZING UTILITY for our once non-utility XP counter. Quirklings and Burnlings +5000 Quirklings 5000+ Quirklings as we mentioned serve many purposes in our collection.
The other Quirklings (#1-4999) have a matching OG Quirkie w/ the same ID# that create a matching/alpha set... (those will remain)
For 5000+ ID lings... you can still use them in the great burn, hold them for the art OR save them because we have some AMAZING plans for them in OTHER meaningful parts of our vision/roadmap.
By us announcing you can use GOO instead of 5000+ lings... we believe it makes 5000+ lings even more powerful and desirable long term.
WHY ? You'll have to wait and see what else we have people burn 5000+ lings for but... we're excited.
We also really wanted our loyal questing holders to be rewarded and using GOO was the perfect trade off in our opinion.
This now gives 5000+ LINGS and GOO a HUGE BOOST in our opinion. And again, this is simply utility #1 for both of them.
Pyramids and Items
Alpha/Omega set holders who quested in SEASON 2 at http://questing.quirkies.io (now closed) had a window of time in which they started earning items (4 items, 1 of each per alpha set) to put inside of their Pyramids (free airdrop NFT)
The items (orb, hour glass, key and skateboard) each have a rank 1-5 (5 the rarest).
Depending on how your items add up inside of the pyramid will ultimately determine the rarity of your INX.
A pyramid could have a rating of 4 through 20... 20 being the rarest possible (all four level 5 items, only one level 5 item has been minted of each item.)
Pyramids and items can still be purchased and assembled on secondary.
The pyramid assembly process is to help control the rarity of your INX vs MINT PASS (which we cover next) that will be completely random INX generation.
INX MINT PASS For people who did not earn pyramids and items through questing OR who just want INX OR more INX... you will be able to get an INX mint pass via our launch on
The INX mint pass will go live sometime in late March/or April and should mint around .2-.3 ETH depending on ETH/USD prices as we get closer.
We want to pick a mint price that is higher than item's and pyramids so we emphasize the value of our questing rewards to loyal holders... WHILE still keeping it in a price range that people want to mint and see the value.
** Remember mint pass provides a complete random rarity opportunity for INX where pyramids/items determine rarity.
INX are Coming!
Trust us we know it's a lot, but we really wanted to announce these new perks and emphasize EVERY DETAIL possible about the process so everyone is clear.
So here's a recap
- INX is COMING and the collection will be 2500 or less total supply
- Pyramids and Items OR a Mint pass will be combined with 1/2 5000+ lings and/or GOO
- 5000+ lings are very valuable for this activation and will be even more rare/valuable for further activations too. We plan on giving you reason to burn all 5000
- GOO is valuable for this activation and further ones too. Questing sets (even now if you haven't started) and keeping your sets quested is still going to generate GOO for the future. Un-quest at your own risk.
- More specific details on amounts of GOO and what price MINT PASS will launch at coming soon.
- Pyramids and Items are readily available on secondary and give you a better shot at more rare art/traits etc (links below)