Mountain Mantra
Weather Storms Together. - Who has your back? You don't need to face life alone or climb with fair weather friends: Mountaineers is a crew you can rely on to support you when the going gets tough.

Pioneer & Trail Blaze - Do you want to be a part of something truly new? You don't need to stay on the sidewalk. Mountaineers look for the peak and blaze the path, innovating to define & direct the future. It's time to dream big.

Go Fish
- Do you have rest & peace in your life? You don't need to rush this climb, the Mountains will wait for you. Mountaineers know rest and recovery are requirements for the Greatest Ascents. Think long term & make space for a good life.
Art with Utility
Tools - Resources to minimize your trials & maximize your triumphs. Access science backed applications & techniques, so you can focus on what matters.

Guidance - Newsletters and guidance from our professional team so you don’t have to spend time learning the hard way

Connection - Life isn't meant to be lonely. Facilitating relationships between similar minds giving you global, intimate, & personalized support groups
Staking that Works for You
Engage 2 Earn - Daily journal entries advance your Mountaineer further towards the summit, earning $TRAIL along the way

$TRAIL Economy
- Exchange hard-earned $TRAIL tokens for rewards to incentivize personal growth day by day.

Unique Mountain Challenges - Along with core challenges, themed mountains offer a specific focus on different facets of success: fitness, relationships, finances, entrepreneurship, mindfulness, & more. Participate in one of a kind events for exclusive rewards