OG Ducks
The original Nonconformist Ducks, affectionately known as the OGs, constitute the very first collection of ducks. These ducks have experienced a lot, from races and jousting to exotic vacations, and they hold a rich history in the kingdom of Abel.
A duck is a duck; you can't go wrong with any duck in this collection. Here are some key traits to take into account:
4 Traits (4T): The 'canvas' to create your perfect duck in the decoupling machine.
Jason Masks: Celebrate every Friday the 13th and compete to win the golden Jason mask.
Upper Class Ducks: Allows you to play Poker in the pond and will receive rewards from wine distribution in Pond Map 5.0.
Angel Ducks: Can be used to create your OG team in Eternal War.
Zombie Ducks: Can also be used to create your OG team in Eternal War.
Hell Ducks
When King Abel decided to throw his brother and the traitors into the oven, they went straight to hell, and from there they formed an evil army to take revenge; In charge is King Cain, and with the army of the feared Horse Ducks, the Hell Ducks are a unique journey through the underworld.
Here are some key traits to take into account:
Horseducks: Allows you to play Poker in the pond and can be used to build your Eternal War team.
Jason Masks: Celebrate every Friday the 13th and compete to win the golden Jason mask.
Demons: Can be used to create your Hell team in Eternal War.
Gatekeepers: These will earn rewards from external revenue sources coming in Pond Map 5.0.Â
2nd Gen Ducks
If having a nonconformist duck is incredible, wait until you see these baby ducks, with new traits in their golden, OG, and Hell versions all with unique styles, these Quackers are much more than a pretty face.Â
Here are some key traits to take into account:
Golden 2nd Gens: These will acquire rewards based on The Village in Pond Map 5.0.
Potioned 2nd Gens: You might notice some transformed baby 2nd Gens that have been fattened up to feed leeches or mutated into whole new animals or acquired new rare traits. These were transformed using potions.
Upside Ducks
These ducks were created when a 2nd Gen Duck opened a portal and an OG and Hell Duck were sacrificed as they passed through and an Upside Duck was born.
There are 3 classes of Upsides: A, B and C.Â
If you are building your army, class A ducks will be the most powerful.
Any Upside Duck can help you steal traits in the decoupling machine and can help you secure traits to make sure you don’t lose any.