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8888 Small Bros that are here to remind you that you’re never alone on this journey! SmallBros is on a mission to bring people together!

This is the genesis Small Bros collection is the gateway to the Bros World including our tight knit community.

  • Merch
    Smallbros Holders were given one free merch Item. Holders of four or more were given 5 free Merch Items. Whale holders were given 6 free items.
  • VR Headsets
    All Bro holders of 4 or More Bros were given a Free VR Oculus Meta Quest 2 headset or a $300 USDC Airdrop.
  • SB Pass
    The SB Pass is a utility pass that unlocks many benefits, providing additional utility to the SmallBros ecosystem through 3 phases.
  • SB Coin
    A off chain token passively earned by Smallbros holders. Coins can be spent in the Smallbros SB plaza to get Rewards such as NFTs, Gift Cards, and more.
he SB Coin is Small Bros newest implementation. An off-chain coin, earned through community participation and for ALL holders, distributed passively. The SB Coin is held by a Discord user directly and cannot be transferred. His coins balance is owned on Discord.


Every week, SB Coins are distributed automatically to EVERY holder. The more SmallBrosNFT you own, the more sb coin you receive. 

sb coin are distributed by Roles EVERY WEEK. Here's the official run down :

1+ SmallBrosNFTs @THE BROS, gets 100 sb coin
4+ SmallBrosNFTs @BIG BROS, gets 300 sb coin
9+ SmallBrosNFTs @BROS BABY WHALE, gets 450 sb coin
15+ SmallBrosNFTs @BROS WHALE, gets 600 sb coin 
25+ SmallBrosNFTs @BROS BULL, gets 1000 sb coin
50+ SmallBrosNFTs @BROS BEAR, gets 1800 sb coin
75+ SmallBrosNFTs @BROS SHARK, gets 2400 sb coin
100+ SmallBrosNFTs @BROS EAGLE, gets 3000 sb coin
150+ SmallBrosNFTs @BROS LEGENDARY, gets 3500 sb coin

In addition, every @SB PASS HOLDER, gets 200 sb coin, every @Companions HOLDER gets 100 sb coin, & every @THEMED BRO HOLDER, gets 500 sb coin

Who Is The Artist?
The artist is EdreiArts. Edrei specializes in eye catching 2D cartoon characters. She’s know for her colorful pallet and strong line work.
Who Are The Founders?
SmallBros was founded By Raph, Xav, and Kev but after the first year of the project it was handed over to Dave, Rob, Jrider, Hill, and Eben.
What Is The SB Pass?
What Is The SB Pass?

The SB pass is a 3 phase utility pass. In its first phase it has brought passive earnings, and various giveaways to its holders.