WVRPS are the 1st hybrid generative PFP + AI-composed music NFTs minted on the Ethereum blockchain. 9,999 unique NFTs based on the WarpSound virtual artists Nayomi, Gnar Heart + DJ Dragoon, with art by Emmy-winning illustrator Andy Poon, the embedded 1/1 original music composed entirely by AI using the visual traits of the PFP 🤯
WVRPS are the opening note of WarpSound’s larger vision for interactive, social music experience, helping ignite the future of generative music creativity + synthetic artistry 🚀
Official Links:
[Official Site](https://warpsound.ai) | [Perk Shop](https://perk.shop/wvrps) | [The Hub](https://hub.warpsound.ai) | [WarpSynth](https://warpsynth.warpsound.ai) | [Music Releases](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1KPXATeHCCfsRDNiFYDzXv?si=65ca0ea33eaa4c05&nd=1)
Official Collections:
[WVRPSynths](https://opensea.io/collection/wvrpsynths) | [WVRPS Honoraries](https://opensea.io/collection/wvrps-honoraries) | [WVRPS Drops](https://opensea.io/collection/wvrps-drops)