Biz owner, teacher, Buddhist, Chinese med doc & optimist. 💜 NFT art, community & culture. @SavedSoulsNFT @HippieLifeKrew @Wanderers @MindfulMonkz @FOR3V3RD34D
Future Blue Chip & Game Changer in the NFT Space

I am a relatively late arrival to this project, having not heard about it until a couple of weeks before the mint. As I hung out with folks, I found out that the team had been consistently building community for many months prior to my finding them. That hard work has really resulted in one of the tighter, richer, and more active communities I've ever seen in the NFT space. It's partly the strength of that community that will carry the project forward through and out of the bear market.
Since getting involved, this has quickly become my #1 most beloved project for so many reasons. The community is one, but it's really the power and integrity of the founder, Visto, and the fact that this project has grown out of his brand that he has been building for a decade. That is SO RARE to see in the NFT space, and it provides a very consistent base of support that most projects do not have.
I'm extremely excited to see how the real world applications of this project bear out. We are close to seeing how the IP program plays out in cannabis packaging, and then beyond. The indirect royalties for that alone could end up being well worth the price of entry. But that's just one tiny aspect of the utility of Hippie Life Krew. It's just going to be so much fun, and so gratifying, to see how execution on the game plan is going to uplift the whole community AND show the whole NFT space how innovative the project is.
Between the community, the founder mojo, the IRL utility and the dope uniqueness of the art - it's a project that is going places - going straight to blue chip status as soon as everything rolls out and the truth of things becomes better known across the NFT space. I have no doubt this will happen given how much distance has already been travelled since the mint out just a short time ago.
Bullish as can be about this project.
Since getting involved, this has quickly become my #1 most beloved project for so many reasons. The community is one, but it's really the power and integrity of the founder, Visto, and the fact that this project has grown out of his brand that he has been building for a decade. That is SO RARE to see in the NFT space, and it provides a very consistent base of support that most projects do not have.
I'm extremely excited to see how the real world applications of this project bear out. We are close to seeing how the IP program plays out in cannabis packaging, and then beyond. The indirect royalties for that alone could end up being well worth the price of entry. But that's just one tiny aspect of the utility of Hippie Life Krew. It's just going to be so much fun, and so gratifying, to see how execution on the game plan is going to uplift the whole community AND show the whole NFT space how innovative the project is.
Between the community, the founder mojo, the IRL utility and the dope uniqueness of the art - it's a project that is going places - going straight to blue chip status as soon as everything rolls out and the truth of things becomes better known across the NFT space. I have no doubt this will happen given how much distance has already been travelled since the mint out just a short time ago.
Bullish as can be about this project.