about 1 year ago
Hoppy Birthday, C.O. Frost!
Today is a very special day for the Battle Bunnies #flufflefam. Today is our much loved, much respected Spartan Leader C.O. Frost's birthday!

Like Miley Cyrus, he came in to the Battle Bunnies like a wrecking ball with his humor, kindness and his inability to tolerate nonsense. Within months of joining the #flufflefam we knew that we had found our Legion General and a lifelong friend.

Please help me in wishing Frost the hoppiest of birthdays by liking this post and commenting "Hoppy Birthday, Frost!"
The first 10 to do so will receive 3 Dark Seither drops from my personal stash in honor of C.O. Frost's birthday (5/10 Drak Seither claimed)
Also make sure to show his Birthday Tweet some love:
A very special Hoppy Birthday to @COFR0ST 💚🐰🎂🎂🎂
— The Battle Bunnies (@battlebunniesTM) December 19, 2023
We love you sir & thank you for everything you do for us & the #flufflefam ❤️💚🐰⚔️#HappyBirthday #today #COFrost #BattleBunnies #animation #December #familyfun #love #hop
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