“I’m a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar” 🍂 Last words of the incomparable Hoban “Wash” Washburne #flufflefam @battlebunniesTM @BattleBunniesX

Hoppy Birthday, C.O. Frost!

C.O. Frost bunny

Today is a very special day for the Battle Bunnies #flufflefam. Today is our much loved, much respected Spartan Leader C.O. Frost's birthday!

C.O. Frost Team Card

Like Miley Cyrus, he came in to the Battle Bunnies like a wrecking ball with his humor, kindness and his inability to tolerate nonsense. Within months of joining the #flufflefam we knew that we had found our Legion General and a lifelong friend.

Hoppy Birthday graphic made by Queen Christakins

Please help me in wishing Frost the hoppiest of birthdays by liking this post and commenting "Hoppy Birthday, Frost!"

The first 10 to do so will receive 3 Dark Seither drops from my personal stash in honor of C.O. Frost's birthday (5/10 Drak Seither claimed)

Also make sure to show his Birthday Tweet some love:

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The 13 Days of Mischief: Grýla's Gift Hoarder has dropped the newest book to be added to the Battle Bunnies library

The 13 Days of Mischief cover
A year after the surprise Holders Only drop of the 13 Yüligans, The 13 Days of Mischief has officially been released. This beautifully designed 50 page Hardcover book features Grýla and her 13 adorable, yet mischievous, Yüligan's. In addition to this wonderfully crafted story reminiscent of the 12 Days of Christmas, there are Activities that the kids (both young and old) are sure to enjoy.

Grýla, Grynch & the 13 Yüligans

Pre-orders are available now on the Battle Bunnies website: Link is available on the Battle Bunnies Alphi page

If you are a Holder of any of the Battle Bunnies collections, be sure to check out the Discounts available in your respective Holder Announcements channels

ALSO, be sure to Like, Retweet and Comment the Announcement to be entered in a special Giveaway:

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Dark Dragons are coming! Dark Dragons are coming!

Wave 4 of Dark Dragons invade the Crags of Kröy

Wave 4 of the Dark Dragon mint is upon us! The Crags of Kröy are being invaded so stay vigilant Pirates as 95 Dark Dragon eggs will be falling today during the Round Table Space!

Pre-Sale will be open from January 10th to the 24th
  • $200 with Credit Card (+ cc fee)
  • NO MAX on eggs, 9 eggs per transaction
  • If you want to use ETH, that is also and option!

This is a Holder's Only mint!
  • 4 ways to get in:
1. Spartan - Genesis 300
2. Dark Dragon - Series 2
3. Character - Series 1
4. 2 Samurai Squirrels from Invasion

Wave 4 map

Join the Twitter Space today @ 4.30pm EST:

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Sunday Spotlight: Game Master Glock9Dorito

Glock bunny

Glock is not only a valued member of the #FluffleFam and integral part of the Battle Bunnies Team, he is the genius behind the Rabbit Hole Game.

Glock's Team Card

With the release of the Grÿnch Xmas event, Glock has raised the bar on not only Discords capabilities as a site for gamers but for other projects wanting to reward their communities with a fun, interactive game.

On behalf of the entire Battle Bunnies #FluffleFam thank you Glock for all that you have done and will hopefully continue to do for us.

If you've read this far, the first 4 #FluffleFam to Like and Comment "Thank you, Glock" on this post will receive 5 Dark Seither drops. (2/4 Dark Seither claimed)

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Merry Christmas! Ultimate Fancast Christmas Special featuring Co-Founder Frank LaNatra is LIVE!

Santa hat Knärf the Mad

Co-Founder and world renowned artist Frank LaNatra (aka Knärf the Mad) makes his Ultimate Fancast debut in a special 3 hour Christmas Day episode too good to cut short.

Delve into the mind of Knärf the Mad to find out how it all began, what's happening now and the possibilities of what may be coming.

Ultimate Fancast hosts

If you want to learn more about The Battle Bunnies from one of the founding members himself, watch Mad World: the Battle Bunnies Beginnings with Artist Frank LaNatra now on the Ultimate Fancast YouTube channel.

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